Steps to Become a Medical Biller and Coder in Maryland

A brand new career as a medical biller or coder can provide a new life that features jobmaryland stability for years to come. Medical billing and coding jobs are very much in demand and provide a unique service that is key to the health care industry. The path to becoming a medical biller or coder can be completed with some easy steps as this career choice could provide a future with plenty of exciting possibilities.

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Job Prospect and Potential Pay

Maryland is among the top states when it comes to medical biller and coder salaries. Medical billers and coders in Maryland earn an average of $47,930 per year, which is well above the national average. The top-end medical billers and coders in Maryland earn as much as $73,220 per year. The potential for such high salaries has not decreased the demand for medical billing and coding jobs in Maryland. In each of the next few years, there is expected to be close to a 5% job growth for medical billers and coders in Maryland.

Some Maryland cities you may look to for medical billing and coding education information: Hagerstown, Towson, Baltimore, Beltsville, and Landover.

Top Maryland cities/areas for medical billing and coding careers: Bethesda, Frederick, Gaithersburg, Baltimore, Towson, Hagerstown, Martinsburg, Salisbury, and Cumberland.

Just a few employers of medical billers and coders in Maryland:

State Licensing Requirements

Medical billers and coders are not required to hold a license to work in the state of Maryland. This has simplified the hiring process as there is no need to be granted any permission to work as a health information technician in Maryland hospitals, nursing homes, doctors’ offices and other types of health care facilities.

Medical Billing and Coding Certification Requirements

Those looking to begin a career in medical billing and coding are recommended to attain some type of certification or degree. Certifications are offered by post-secondary schools that provide training programs that typically last one year. Some of those programs conclude even sooner, while mostly all combine medical billing and coding into the same curriculum. These certificate programs are offered by various technical colleges, community colleges, and vocational institutes.

Another way to become a medical biller or coder in Maryland is to earn an Associate’s Degree of Applied Science in Medical Billing and Coding. Colleges that offer these degrees require two years of coursework to be completed. Once those requirements are met, an Associate’s Degree doubles as an acceptable certification for medical billers and coders.

Other certifications are available through national organizations such as the AHIMA (American Health Information Management Association) or AAPC (American Academy of Professional Coders). The completion of a certificate program or the awarding of an Associate’s Degree will adequately prepare medical billers and coders to take these national examinations.

Each Maryland health care facility is permitted to set its own qualifications for medical billing and coding professionals. Requirements differ from one facility to the next, but the vast majority require some form of certification in order to gain employment.

Education Requirements

Becoming a medical biller or coder in Maryland begins with the awarding of a high school diploma or GED equivalency. That prepares students to take on the coursework that is part of the various medical billing and coding programs throughout the state of Maryland.

General Overview of a Maryland Medical Biller and Coder

Medical billing and coding jobs are sometimes listed together, although they are two separate disciplines. Some companies will look to hire a professional who is capable of handling medical billing and coding duties. However, there are plenty of health care facilities who assign one employee to each specific task of billing and coding. The two jobs have some correlations but each stand on their own with a multitude of individual responsibilities.

Medical billers facilitate the billing process by filing claims which itemize every single service provided to a patient. These claims are sent out for payment, which means medical billers need to be extremely thorough. There is also a need to have a broad knowledge of insurance company policies as they apply directly to the billing process.

Medical billers regularly deal with insurance companies and patients as there is often the need to explain billing charges, exclusions and claims disputes. For those reasons, medical billers in Maryland are equipped with problem-solving skills and are also very good multi-taskers.

Medical billers are proficient in working with electronic medical records (EMR) and have a working knowledge of medical codes. Medical billers routinely update patient records, conduct follow-ups with claims, and perform regular reviews and audits. There is also a good deal of paperwork involved which requires medical billers to be organized and meticulous.

Medical coders supply medical billers with the necessary codes to create billing claims. This is done through the process of coding. Maryland medical coders are given a host of documents which detail all of the services performed on a patient. These documents can be in the form of physician reports, medical transcriptions, and consultation notes. Medical coders are responsible for translating all of that information into individual codes, which follow the healthcare coding system.

Medical coders in Maryland are well-versed in that coding system, which is used in their everyday work assignments. The specifics of those codes are very advanced and include ICD-9 coding, CPT/HCPCS coding, inpatient coding and much more. Medical coders also understand the basics of billing and are skilled in the use of health information technology.

Medical coders in Maryland are independent workers who can complete multiple assignments without direct supervision. They are also proficient in meeting deadlines and have a complete comprehension of facility guidelines as well as health information management principles.


Health Information Laws in Maryland

Learn more about all of the health information laws in Maryland on this website.

Maryland Medical Coder Jobs

See which medical coding jobs are currently open throughout the state of Maryland by browsing these listings.

Maryland Health Information Technology

This state-operated website provides a good deal of information on health information technology within Maryland.

Medical Billing Jobs in Maryland

Learn more about which Maryland health facilities are seeking new medical billing professionals.

Medical Coding Forum

Interact with other medical coders on the AAPC’s variety of message boards.